Training & Assessments for Ergonomics in Construction

Ergonomic Safety Solutions for the Construction Industry

ergonomics in construction safety training

Construction is a physically demanding and potentially hazardous profession. Many construction tasks involve ergonomic risks that can result in injury, including lifting, pushing, pulling, bending and handling heavy loads. Injuries that can cause temporary or permanent disability can include back problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, rotator cuff tears, sprains, and strains.

For these reasons, ergonomics in construction safety is paramount to your workers and the profitable operation of your business.

Ergonomics Training for Construction Workers

Construction is a physically demanding and potentially hazardous profession. Many construction tasks involve ergonomic risks that can result in injury, including lifting, pushing, pulling, bending and handling heavy loads. Injuries that can cause temporary or permanent disability can include back problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, rotator cuff tears, sprains, and strains.

An ergonomics program can reduce injuries, improve worker morale, and lower workers’ compensation costs. Educating your employees on how to protect themselves will keep your people working and protect your bottom line.

Construction Ergonomics Training Includes:


Ergonomic Construction Site Assessment

An objective third-party assessment of your worksite can help your people work safer and more productively. People working from day to day can overlook potentially problematic systems and processes because they become naturally familiar with their environment. Simple conversations about how tasks are performed can lead to positive changes in task/procedures.

An ergonomics review conducted by an experienced professional would help identify potential risks and hazards that could lead to injuries.

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