
OSHA COVID-19 Guidance for Manufacturers – Reducing Coronavirus Exposure

Posted On: June 9, 2020

As America faces a growing pandemic, today we’re looking at tips for safely reopening during COVID-19. We’ll look at how OSHA was prompted to act and the guidelines they’ve issued to protect the U.S. workforce.

AFL-CIO Lawsuit Driving OSHA Action

In May 2020, the AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations) filed a petition. They compelled OSHA to issue an emergency temporary standard regarding COVID-19 and protecting workers against the virus.

Thousands have been infected while on the job. They’ve come in contact with the virus via infected patients, their coworkers, and unscreened members of the public. Contact is increasing as economies reopen, and experts predict worker infections and deaths will rise.

They deem that action is necessary. Standards must be issued to protect workers who are getting sick and dying. No longer is it possible to rely on unions and the kindness of strangers. The Trump administration and OSHA must act.

OSHA Guidance for Manufacturers Reopening During COVID-19 Pandemic

Here’s a list of OSHA’s current Covid-19 Guidelines for the Manufacturing Industry:

  • If workers are sick, they should be encouraged to stay home.
  • If possible, establish flexible work hours. For example, staggered shifts.
  • Maintain six feet of distance between coworkers where possible.
  • Create more distance between workstations, etc. If that isn’t possible, limit the duration of workplace activities.
  • Install barriers like plexiglass shields.
  • Monitor public health reports and recommendations.
  • Train workers in how to put on, wear, take off, and maintain protective clothing and equipment.
  • Allow workers to wear masks.
  • Encourage workers to cover coughs and sneezes.
  • Discourage workers from using others’ tools and equipment.
  • Keep the workplace clean using chemicals that are approved by the Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Encourage personal hygiene like washing hands and cleaning surfaces.
  • Encourage the entire work community to be proactive and report any safety and health concerns.

COVID-19 Reopening Guidance for Loading Dock and Stockroom Workers

These guidelines pertain to loading dock and stockroom workers in particular.

  • Choose to stock shelves when stores are closed or during slow periods. This minimizes worker contact with the public.
  • If stocking must occur during operating hours, use markers or barriers to separate customers from employees.
  • Six feet of distance should be maintained between employees and their coworkers and customers.
  • Talk to your vendors and delivery drivers about minimizing contact with stockroom and loading dock employees.

Contact Safety by Design for more details about your work environment and how we can help you maintain loading dock safety during this time.

COVID-19 Reopening Guidance for Social Distancing in the Workplace

Here are some general tips for encouraging proper social distancing in your work environment:

  • Isolate workers if they begin to show symptoms. Do this until they can go home or seek medical care.
  • Use six-foot markers like floor tape and drive-thru windows or curbside pickup options.
  • Limit the number of customers allowed in spaces at one time.
  • Stagger breaks for employees.
  • Rearrange seating areas in your common areas so that social distancing is promoted among workers.

COVID-19 Reopening Guidance for Exposure Prevention

Here are ways to be seriously proactive about the virus in your workplace.

  • Encourage frequent handwashing for at least 20 seconds.
  • Use soap and water and/or hand rub that contains at least 60 percent alcohol.
  • Encourage all to avoid touching their eyes, nose, or mouth – especially with unwashed hands.

As for employers, please be advised:

  • You should assess hazards and be aware of whether workers are being exposed or potentially could be exposed. Feel free to contact our team for further hazard assessment training.
  • Ensure that your workers are using controls to prevent exposure. Hold them accountable for adopting and implementing the safety and health measures put into place to protect them.

Safety By Design Can Help You Build a COVID-19 Safety Plan

These are unprecedented times. But don’t feel alone as you prepare to do the absolute best for your business. Reach out! Contact Safety by Design for help building a COVID-19 Safety Plan and additional safety consultant services. The pandemic is new. But there’s nothing new to us about keeping you and your workers safe and healthy on the job every day.