
Best Safety Incentive Programs for Employees – Ideas & Examples

Posted On: October 24, 2023

Looking for the best safety incentive programs? Eager to explore how to put them into action? You’ve come to the right spot! Today, we’re excited to share some effective safety incentive program examples.

And, of course, everything we’re recommending is in line with OSHA’s guidelines on the matter. You won’t want to miss out on what we have to say – it could elevate your safety compliance to a whole new level.

What Are Safety Incentive Programs?

Safety incentives are essentially prizes. They’re awards for adhering to safety standards and regulations while on the job. It’s one thing to understand a safety rule. It’s something entirely different to put that knowledge into action. Your company’s safety rewards program helps with employee buy-in.

Note: Safety recognition programs for employees are different than safety programs. Safety incentive programs are in place to encourage. They motivate employees to go above and beyond. Incentives are a way to enhance your current safety program.

Purpose of a Written Safety Incentive Program

This kind of written plan spells out the company’s safety rewards program. It covers terms, details different levels, points systems, and more. It also outlines eligibility criteria and what happens if someone doesn’t report incidents, wear the right gear, or attend training.

The written document educates everyone. It clearly explains all aspects of the program and serves as a reference for administrators, managers, and workers.

What OSHA Says About Company Safety Incentive Programs

What’s the main issue with company safety incentive programs? Why is OSHA concerned when their entire goal is to regulate workplace health and safety?

Here’s the deal. They’re only disapproving when accidents begin to go unreported. If incentives are on the line for an accident-free month, no one wants to mess up their chances for rewards.

Hear from OSHA directly. Have a look at their incentives policies memo and the clarification of that memo about company safety incentive programs.

successful safety incentive programs examples

What to Know When Creating A Safety Incentive Program

What does it take to design a successful safety incentive program? Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to improve your existing system, here’s what you should know.

  • Have a look at your safety plan. Where do you have the most issues? The best safety incentive programs target your existing work culture.
  • Think about the structure and rules of your incentive program. Praise, rewards, and recognition are appealing. Ultimately, consider your employees, your goals, and your budget.
  • Remember that cash incentives can become problematic for employees. Especially when it comes to income tax. Some alternative ideas for safety incentives are rewards like gift cards and merchandise.
  • There’s a difference between doing your job and being compensated. An incentive is given to reward behavior that exceeds the job requirements.
  • If you need more motivation, know that these programs encourage employees to be safe. Workplace injuries and accidents are expensive. The incentive investment will likely be worth it.
  • OSHA makes it clear in 29 CFR 1904.35 that retaliation for reporting work-related accidents is prohibited. You must have a reasonable procedure in place for reporting.
  • Reach out to safety consulting services that specialize in rewarding safety in the workplace. Their experience and expertise will serve you well.

6 Ideas for Safety Incentives

Get ready to jazz up your safety incentive program with these six fantastic ideas. We’ve got creative rewards that will make your employees jump for joy:

1. Day Off Passes

Who doesn’t love a paid day off? It’s the perfect motivation to stay safe.

2. Double Time

How about doubling their break time for an entire week? More time to relax!

3. Breakfast with the Boss

Show your appreciation by sharing a meal with the stars of safety. It’s breakfast or brunch – your treat.

4. Safety Bucks

Encourage your team to report and tackle safety hazards with safety bucks. They can trade these in for cool prizes.

5. Gift Cards

Give them the freedom to choose their reward – whether it’s a favorite restaurant or an Amazon shopping spree.

6. Lottery Tickets

A small investment with a chance to hit the jackpot! Your employees could win big. Safety has never been this exciting!

Employee Safety Incentive Programs Examples

For further employee safety incentive program examples and written systems in place, check out these successful safety incentive program examples pulled from the OSHA website. These rules and incentive ideas could help you develop your own successful plan.

Work with Safety By Design to Create a Tailored Workplace Safety Incentives Program

Contact Safety by Design today! Let’s discuss your company and talk about how our safety training in Houston can help. We have years of experience and expertise. We’ll work with you to create a customized safety incentives program that speaks your workforce’s language. We’re ready to help you organize something special for your employees – something they’ll talk about, respect, and appreciate.

For a more comprehensive solution, ask us about our turnkey safety management services!

Thank you for visiting our website! We appreciate your interest in workplace safety. Please note that Safety by Design is not affiliated with OSHA. However, we can assist you with the following OSHA-related services:
• OSHA Mock Inspection
• OSHA Training
• Facilitate OSHA Inspections and Citations
If you need to file a complaint with OSHA, please call 800-321-6742 (OSHA) or visit this page for other methods to contact them.
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